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Organisation (Education)

Add/Amend Reliever Information Collected

By April 2, 2020May 22nd, 2020No Comments

When a reliever requests to be a preferred reliever at your school, they are required to send you a basic profile which is copied from their registration details. However, this can also be customised for your school.

You can create fields that you want the reliever to fill in e.g. Special skills, or for your staff to complete e.g. ID Verification.

A number of fields need to be verified before the reliever receives a green sash next to their profile, showing that they are 100% verified. You can create extra fields that need to be verified as well, e.g. Completion of a Health and Safety Induction.

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  1. Select ‘Our Profile’
  2. Select ‘Reliever Information Collected’
  3. Here you will find the standard fields set up for all Schools and Early Childhood Centres
  4. Select ‘Edit’ if you wish to make changes to these field
  5. Switch the toggle to ‘No’ if you do not wish to collect this information from your relievers
  6. To add your own fields, select ‘Add a New Field’
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  1. Enter a field name
  2. These toggles will allow you to set the requirements of this field. You can change these requirements by switching the toggle to ‘Yes‘ or ‘No’
  3. Select the type of field
    Below you will find a more detailed guide on field types.
  4. Select the roles that this field is requested for
  5. Select ‘Save Field’

Field Types

Check box

This type of field allows one or more options to be selected by switching the toggle beside each option e.g. Subjects

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  1. Enter the options here – one option per line

Single Section

This type of field will allow one option to be selected from a drop down list.

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  1. Enter the options here – one option per line

Multiple Section

This type of field allows for multiple selections to be made from a list.

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  1. Enter the options here – one option per line

Large Text Area

This type of field allows for large amount of text to be entered across multiple lines.

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Text Box

This field allows any sort of text to be entered on a single line.

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  1. Select the ‘Data Type’ from the drop down menu

File Upload

This field allows the user to upload files, i.e. a photo of a certificate, CV, etc.

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